Microdermabrasion Treatment (20 minutes)
You will still get the cleansing and toning benefits from this facial. It is perfect for those who experience large pores, fine lines or pigmentation. Microdermabrasion can help to improve these common conditions.
This procedure is perfect for all age groups, and is ideal if you are preparing for a special occasion. Microdermabrasion can cause redness and signs of irritation, so it is a good idea to plan ahead if you are getting the treatment for an event.
This microdermabrasion treatment does not include many of the steps found in the 60 Minute Micro Facial: the masque and massage. However the treatment includes a cleanse, the microdermabrasion treatment and moisturizer with an SPF to protect your skin.
You will get the core treatment, it is ideal for those looking for results, without receiving the relaxation benefits from a full facial. Although, this treatment is done in a relaxing day spa environment, where you will always leave feeling relaxed and refreshed.
What to Expect After 20 Minute Microdermabrasion
The first few hours after microdermabrasion, the face can be red, from the treatment. Le Petit Spa will apply a soothing SPF after your 20 minute procedure, to help protect your skin from irritation and the sun.
A soothing gel like aloe vera can be applied at home to improve any burning sensations. The redness should subside within 24h and you should start to see the results of your facial soon after.
The Microdermabrasion Treatment may be ideal for those looking for results only, and not focused on receiving the relaxation benefits from a full facial; although, this treatment is done in a relaxing day spa environment.
The treatment includes cleanse, microdermabrasion treatment and moisturizer with an SPF to protect your skin. The microdermabrasion treatment does not include many of the steps found in the Micro Facial: the masque and massage.
Treatment Type | Price |
Crystal Microdermabrasion Treatment (20 minutes) | $90 |
Diamond Microdermabrasion Treatment (20 minutes) | $110 |
Spa Microdermabrasion
The Crystal Microdermabrasion is slightly more gentle and uses a rapid flow of loose crystals machine-blown onto the skin and removed with suction.
The Diamond Microdermabrasion gives deeper results and uses a diamond encrusted tip applied directly to the skin.
There is no down-time after having microdermabrasion done. It is a non-invasive facial that aims to leave the skin glowing*. While some patients see results after one service, Microdermabrasion results are best shown after a series of 3 or 6 weekly tretments.
Microdermabrasion & Peel Series
Package includes 2 Microdermabrasion treatments & 2 Peel treatments administered over the course of 8 weeks. Treatments are approx. 20 mins each.
How does it work?
Your first and third treatment for the Microderbrasion & Peel package will be a microdermabrasion. The second and fourth treatment will be the peel. This alternation occurs every 2 weeks for 8 weeks until you have completed all four treatments.
* Results may vary from person to person

Call us today with any questions or book an appointment!
Have a skin care question? Want to book a microdermabrasion appointment?
Give us a call at 604.224.4314 and we would be happy to help you out.