Are You a Good Candidate for LHE Hair Removal?

Skin Care
Are You a Good Candidate for LHE Hair Removal?

First of all, did you do your homework? Have you done your research about Light Heat Energy (LHE) hair removal? Did you read our blogs about what is LHE and the differences between LHE and Laser Hair Removal?


Did you have a chance to chat with your friends over a cup of coffee about whether LHE hair removal is a good idea? If the answers are yes, you have all the knowledge you need to get started. But, is your body ready?

Well, we are here to help. In this blog, we will discuss what you need to be physically ready for LHE hair removal.


Before you start, you will be scheduled for an LHE consultation and be asked to fill out an extensive consultation form before you are taken into the treatment room.

This consultation form outlines your personal information, medical history, LHE consent for both skin rejuvenation, hair removal and a treatment evaluation if you are qualified.

The consultation form will ask questions related to your medical condition and suitability for LHE hair removal. To assess whether you are suitable, answer "yes" or "no" to these questions:

Are You A Good Candidate 

  1. Were you recently exposed to the sun?

  2. Are you pregnant or lactating?

  3. Do you suffer from any inflammatory skin condition, irritation, or herpes in the treated area?

  4. Were you ever exposed to radiotherapy?

  5. Do you suffer from a low healing process of wounds?

  6. Do you have any bulgy or large and big scars?

  7. Is the color of the scars darker than the surrounding tissue?

  8. Do you have spots that are lighter from the surrounding?

  9. Did you have any adverse events after hair removal treatments, if any?

  10. Do you take Accutane?

If you have answered "yes" for any of the above questions, you are NOT suitable for LHE hair removal. For your safety, we do not recommend LHE hair removal if you have any of the following conditions listed above due to the risk of adverse reactions.

In this case, you may want to consider an alternative method for hair removal or wait for a better time in which any of the conditions above do not apply to you.

If you have answered "no" for all of the above questions, congratulations! You have passed the first stage and one step closer for LHE hair removal! What's next?


Getting Started

Once the aesthetician has reviewed your consultation form and approved your suitability for LHE hair removal, you are ready to get started. candles.jpg

The aesthetician will begin by thoroughly explaining the procedure, making sure that you ("the client") are aware of what to expect during and after the procedure.

For first timers, before you start with any LHE hair removal treatments, your aesthetician will test a patch of your skin, around where you want treatment, in order to determine the energy level suitable for your skin and if you get any reactions.

During the test patch, the aesthetician will look for the appropriate length of hair (2-3 mm hair shaft).

Any length shorter than 2-3 mm does not work because the heat energy would not be able to fully destroy the hair follicle. That being said, do not shave or wax your hair! Keep the length and the aesthetician will trim if needed!

The aesthetician will then sanitize the skin to get rid of any bacteria. Depending on the area being treated, the aesthetician will choose the appropriate tool and size to be used on the treatment area. Once measured, the appropriate energy level is set according to your skin type.

Now the fun begins! The aesthetician will place the handpiece on the skin and begin pulsing the energy into the skin starting at the lowest energy level on the right side of the area. The lowest energy will start on the right of the area and will increase in intensity as the aesthetician moves the tool to the left side of the area.

Here you will feel a slight shock and pain for a few seconds. If there is darkening or burning of the hair, bleaching of the skin or skin redness around the hair immediately following the pulse, your skin may be too sensitive and the procedure stops here.

Any reaction that appears on your skin at the lowest energy level indicates that you are not suitable for LHE hair removal.

If no reaction is present immediately following the pulse, we observe for 10-15 minutes. If nothing arises, we continue with the next higher energy level, going from the right side to the left side of the area and so forth.

If the energy level is high and the skin begins to react, we will go back to the lower energy level and use this energy level for further treatments.  


The LHE Treatment 

Once you have passed the test patch, you are 100% ready for LHE hair removal treatments! In the test patch, we have determined your suitable energy level.

The next step is to start your first treatment in the treated area. A record of all your LHE hair removal treatments including your test patch results will be noted in your consultation form which the aesthetician will refer to during every treatment.

The procedure is the same as the test patch. The only difference is the energy level can be raised as the skin adjusts to the energy level.

If you notice any reactions in the next few days after the treatment, consult the aesthetician if the energy level needs to be lowered. Depending on the area being treated, LHE treatments are recommended to be done every 4-6 weeks.

Tea tree lotion is applied to the skin after the treatment to help soothe and calm down the treated area.

Follow the aestheticians' post treatment care such as avoiding direct sunlight and applying a sunscreen with an SPF 20 or higher and don't forget to book your next treatment according to your hair cycle!

Now that your mind and body is set to go, you can book for an LHE Consultation here! If you have any further questions about LHE, be sure to give us a call and we would be happy to talk with you more about the procedure.