What Is A Deep Pore Cleansing Facial?

Skin Care
What Is A Deep Pore Cleansing Facial?

Excess oil, visible blackheads and large pores are signs that you may have oily or combination skin. Sometimes they can be a pain to fix but with the right facial, you can easily get a clean, shine-free complexion in just one hour! Read on to find out how a Deep Pore Cleansing Facial can help you.


The deep pore cleansing facial is ideal for those with acne caused by excessive oil and those with oily, combination skin types. This facial focuses on extractions, a bit of exfoliation, and a deep cleanse which make it not so suitable for sensitive skin due to its slightly abrasive nature.

At Le Petit Spa we offer several different kinds of facial treatments. Specifically, our European Deep Pore Cleansing Facial is a powerful treatment that can help to deeply cleanse and nourish the skin. There are several benefits to getting a deep pore cleansing facial treatment. 


A Deep Pore Cleansing Facial Can Reduce Excess Oil

When we think of oily skin, we think of that greasy residue that collects over the day on our faces. It is a natural occurrence and really just means that there is excess oil coming out of your pores after you cleanse your face. Throughout the day, your face will continue to appear shiny. A deep pore cleansing facial helps to cleanse deep into the pores of the skin, reducing the overproduction of oil and leaving your skin feeling matte and oil-free. It is a good idea to get a deep pore cleansing facial is you have excessively oily skin. 


Facials Clear Clogged Pores, Whiteheads, And Blackheads

A deep pore cleansing facial often starts with opening the pores of your skin. Dirt and oil can get trapped in your pores and cause skin irritation and blackheads. To open up your pores and begin extracting the debris, your aesthetician will steam your face for a few minutes. An extracting tool is used to push out any debris, whiteheads, and blackheads that you may have clogged in your pores. Extraction is painful! But you will get clearer skin and fewer chances of acne if your pores are cleaned occasionally.


A Deep Pore Cleansing Facial Can Help Decrease Acne

After a few of the facial treatments, you may notice your acne is reduced and becomes less noticeable. When your pores are cleaned often, this prevents oil, impurities, and bacteria from forming in these pores and creating small red bumps on the skin.


Clay Masks Work The Best

If you have oily skin, you may notice that some days you need more oil control than other days depending on the weather and your bodies hormones. Clay masks help give a matte effect to your skin, eliminating shine while also detoxifying your pores. These are a soothing treatment at the end of the day because they rejuvenate tired-looking skin.


Gentle Exfoliation Is Optional

A deep pore cleansing facial focuses more on extraction than exfoliation but a gentle exfoliation to remove dead skin cells off the surface of the skin can be done. Because extraction is abrasive enough, we want to use a gentle exfoliant. It is important to follow up with a healing mask after extraction and/or exfoliation to relieve any sensitivity and calm the skin down.


Avoid Heavy Creams

After the facial, a quality moisturizer is a must! The right moisturizer will help you skin feel soft and refreshed. For oily skin, choose oil-free moisturizer with a light consistency. Heavy creams will only make your skin feel heavy and uncomfortable throughout the day. Water-based moisturizers and even mattifying moisturizers help take the shine away.


Skin Is Smooth And Refreshed

Oily skin can be tricky to treat but with the right facial and products, your skin will feel smooth and rejuvenated! A deep pore cleansing facial every 4 weeks is ideal to help control your oil production and keep your pores clean.


Come On In!

If you would like to know information about your skin, contact us for a complimentary skin consultation!